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The Minnesota Library Association, North Dakota Library Association, and St. Catherine University MLIS Program are surveying library staff to better understand your professional development needs. Completing this survey will help us offer more relevant and timely continuing educational opportunities.

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The Minnesota Library Association, North Dakota Library Association, and St. Catherine University MLIS Program are surveying library staff to better understand your professional development needs. Completing this survey will help us offer more relevant and timely continuing educational opportunities.

As we strive to foster a thriving professional environment, your input is crucial. We invite all library staff members to participate in a brief survey designed to understand and address your professional development needs. It's your chance to shape the future of our training and development programs! The survey takes just 10 minutes, and your feedback will be instrumental in enhancing our collective professional growth. Please visit the survey link and submit your responses by December 15. Let's work together to create a more enriching and supportive workplace! 


Written by

Matt Lee
Associate Director