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Have you heard the news? I assume you have, but if you have been distracted over the past few weeks, I’ll catch you up: Minitex has added EBSCO CINAHL Complete and ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Premium to the resources available to all Minnesotans through eLibrary Minnesota. Let’s check them out!

White page with Green border and ELM, ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Premium, and Cinahl Complete Logos

Have you heard the news? I assume you have, but if you have been distracted over the past few weeks, I’ll catch you up: Minitex has added EBSCO CINAHL Complete and ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Premium to the resources available to all Minnesotans through eLibrary Minnesota. Let’s check them out!

When I first visited ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Premium, I was surprised by all the resources on the home page alone: general information, popular videos, and scholarly journals on various topics. A section that stood out was the “Multicultural Reports,” a collection of reports on over 200 countries. Each piece explores a country's population, history, culture, government, and economy to raise cultural awareness and enable better care for patients of diverse backgrounds. As I continued exploring the available resources, this article stood out: “Migrants often can’t access US health care until they are critically ill - here are some of the barriers they face,” by Anthony Jimenez. The article explores healthcare inequality, specifically when it comes to undocumented immigrants. The gap is the result of barriers that often discourage undocumented immigrants from seeking medical care in the first place. The cost of treatment and fear of having their legal status questioned are huge deterrents for many families. This leads to self-care at home, the use of medicine imported from their native countries, and visits to private facilities that often lack accreditation or perform outside of regulation.

Even when individuals are willing to seek care at well-established medical facilities, patients' lack of identification required for reimbursement often leads facilities to turn patients away. In these and other unfortunate cases, the only hope is to wait until their condition is critical to be eligible for treatment under the 1986 Emergency Treatment and Active Labor Act. Another risk these patients face is that of medical deportation in which hospitals seek to reduce their costs by discharging undocumented individuals to continue treatment in their native country. Explore the issue of healthcare inequality, and many others, by reading this article in ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Premium. 

EBSCO CINAHL Complete is a massive database featuring news and journal articles, studies, videos, and more, that explore diverse topics and best practices in healthcare and personal wellbeing. As I browsed, two tabs stood out: Quick Lessons, and Evidence-Based Care Sheets. Quick Lessons provides detailed summaries on topics and medical conditions covering both physical and mental health. I used Quick Lessons to learn about Gout, a condition suffered by a buddy of mine at the gym. As a result, I have a better understanding of what they are going through, and how I can help if needed.

The Evidence-Based Care Sheets tab provides evidence-backed information on treatment and prevention steps for various health conditions. One sheet that stood out was titled, Heat Stress Disorders: Exertional Heat Stroke in Athletes. With summer in full swing, we are all susceptible to heat stroke. The Care Sheet explained what heat stroke is, its early signs, prevention, and how to respond if it occurs.

If you are ever wondering about a specific condition, or want to learn more about prevention and evidence-based care, check out these tabs and explore EBSCO CINAHL Complete and ProQuest Nursing for more health-related information!

Written by

Jesus Maldonado Sanchez
Marketing & Communications Generalist
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Encyclopedia, magazine, journal, and newspaper articles, plus multimedia, primary sources, and more