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What do you struggle with the most as a project manager? Come ready to share your experiences and lessons learned.

March Project Management Minitex Conversation

What do you struggle with the most as a project manager? Tackling difficult issues may not be something to look forward to with any project. However, addressing and working through difficult issues is a tremendous skill that is developed over time through learned experiences. Project management can supply us with the knowledge of anticipating issues before they arise and how to go about working through them. Come ready to share your experiences and lessons learned.

This project management conversation will use guided questions to engage the audience throughout the hour. Bring your real-life case studies, share successful strategies, and lessons learned from past experiences. These open office hours are designed to be a space for learning opportunities, community discussion, and sharing of ideas and practices in how to manage any library project.

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Written by

Carla Pfahl
Outreach & Instruction Librarian, AskMN Coordinator
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