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Quick Summary

Sometimes projects fail or take an unexpected turn. It happens, and more often than we want to admit. What were some of your lessons learned from projects that didn’t go as planned? Come ready to share successful strategies to help bring the project to close.

Minitex Conversations: Project Management – Project Failures

Something you didn’t plan for forced your project to make a sudden detour. It can happen to any project. Maybe your project was able to get back on track in a timely manner or maybe the detour completely derailed your project. We’ve all been there. How did you/your team address the issue(s)? What lessons did you take away from the experience? In this project management conversation we will discuss helpful strategies to use if your project runs into a roadblock or detour.

This project management conversation will use guided questions to engage the audience throughout the hour. Bring your real-life case studies, share successful strategies, and lessons learned from past experiences. These open office hours are designed to be a space for learning opportunities, community discussion, and sharing of ideas and practices in how to manage any library project.

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Written by

Carla Pfahl
Outreach & Instruction Librarian, AskMN Coordinator
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