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Quick Summary

This is a good time for our participants to order various supplies from Minitex. If you need any routing forms, address labels, or cable ties for securing your delivery tubs go to the Delivery Supplies order page and let us know what you need.


August is generally a time to slow down a bit. In the Minitex Delivery Unit, we try to catch up on tasks that we have put off because we have now had a bit of time to complete them. This also gives us a chance to do an inventory and evaluate what we have on hand for delivery. 

This is also a good time for our participants to order various supplies from Minitex. If you need any routing forms, address labels, or cable ties for securing your delivery tubs go to the Delivery Supplies order page and let us know what you need. Orders are generally filled within 1-3 days.

If you need extra courier tubs for delivery you can email me.

Written by

Fred Finch
Delivery Manager
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