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by Zach Miller

In light of our own inter-office work regarding primary source packets spearheaded by Jennifer Hootman and Greta Bahnemann, I thought it fitting to share the many ways in which librarians seek to tie historical instances and materials with very present and timely conversations. After the Philando Castile shooting, the librarians at Gale Family Library at the Minnesota Historical Society put together the following press briefing and shared it on Facebook.

by Agnes Lee

At ALA in Orlando this year, Agnes Lee attended OCLC's Symposium on Disney's Approach to Quality Service. She shares some of what she learned.

by Raquel Franklin

According to the New York Times, 5 million Americans gather every few weeks for book club discussions. At Minitex, we have seen an increase in these type of requests and we attempt to fill as many as possible. 

by Fred Finch

This is a good time for our participants to order various supplies from Minitex. If you need any routing forms, address labels, or cable ties for securing your delivery tubs go to the Delivery Supplies order page and let us know what you need.

by Nicole Masika

My first thought on seeing the cover of "Cinnamon and Gunpowder" was that it might be about the French Revolution because of the clothing styles, and one character being a chef.

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